Sunday, August 14, 2005

i know, i know, i've been totally neglecting my poor dear blog..

i promise that one day soon i'll post an update about what i did in amsterdam & lille & what happened to me apart from that

but right now all i wanted to say is that once more, i have a crush. (which is sort of an exception, i don't have crushes that easily)
and now, i'm wondering what to do with it / about it. i mean, i like him, i liked him the very first time i saw him (ok i admit, i'm a sucker for crush on first sight) and i actually still liked him the second time i saw him (that's usually the exception). i'm not sure if i have a chance though, for some reason i don't think i'm his type.. plus i'm chicken.. soo afraid of rejection..
so now i'm sort of at a loss... what to do, what to do.. (first one who says "talk to him, tell him how you feel", i knock out!)