Friday, November 19, 2004


In the mean while, as you can see, it's friday..
nothing really interesting happened this week..
stayed up way too late on monday & tuesday because of chatting with Nisse.. bastard.. well.. actually it's my own fault, but still.. bastard !
of course this made the rest of the week kinda zombie-ish..

Took a duvet day yesterday (i skipped school, just stayed nicely at home) did do some schoolwork though !

Bought a shampoo with colour thingies in it today.. just washed my hair.. curious if i'll see the result.. (hair is still wet now, so..)

& now wondering what i'll do tonight..
GOOD would be: doing homework for next week (busy, busy..)
FUN would be: going out for a drink
GREAT would be: going to party

think i'll start smsing around a bit ;)

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