Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Whas wrong?

It's kind of hard to explain why I'm not happy.. I know I have very little reason to be unhappy, but well, here I am, not being happy anyway.. It's a combination of little things I guess..

First there's school, which is demanding to say the least, combined with the not feeling in place in any of the groups there, as I constantly skip from group to group.
Then there's the financial troubles (not only my own personal troubles - I'm slowly getting as broke as it gets - but also the ones my parents are having being laid off & retired with two studying kids & a mortgage to pay) combined with the fact that I should start looking for a job but am too lazy & am not up for it right now due to all the work for school I should be doing.
Thirdly we have my mom & best friend not being too happy either at the moment.
Also in the last few years I started getting winter depressions due to a lack of light or whatever.
It's also important for me to claim my life back from the big monster called sleep. My body's not happy with "just" 8 hours any more, it wants 10 or 11 & even then I don't feel completely awake. (I'm hoping sports will solve this one for me.)
And to top it off (how cliche to write this on valentine's day..) I'm single.

If it were just one of them I'd be perfectly able to deal with it, but as it is, it's a bit too much..

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