that's about all i'll get tonight
all cause the FUCKING teachers want their FUCKING assignments BEFORE the FUCKING break so that THEY have time to correct it
what about us, the students ?
don't we deserve some time to do our work decently and still have sth fairly similar to a social life? All those ppl claiming that the "student years were the best years of their life" are FUCKING BULLSHITTING ME. Or, of course, times have changed, and student life isn't the lazy life it used to be.
I can feel my hairs turning gray. I'll be gray at 25, white at 30. I'll constantly have to dye my hair. Though i SO hope working life is less shitty than student life. If it isn't, i'm gonna find myself a nice bridge to jump off from.
Anyway, here i go again...
All i wanna do is crawl in bed & sleep till christmas.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Talk about neglected...
Well, here i am again... though i honestly don't think i'll update this thing often, i'm sort of busy lately (yeah, i finally got myself a "real life"... sort of)
Eh lately i've been doing sports on mondays & thursdays (quite an achievement coming from scratch), plus i drive my bike to the train station every morning. Go me!
School's hell. I have heaps to do & barely enough time to do it in. I keep telling ppl to chill, but i get nervous breakdowns myself (i actually took a duvet day last thursday.. sort of an important day too actually.. 6 hours of FUCKING french.. please.. don't make fun of me :( ... )
Tuesday my swedish classes will start too (see what i mean when i say busy?)
Well, and if THAT's not enough, i try to keep my social life going as well. Meaning i go out in the weekends, i still work in the bakery on sundays (in this category since i need money to sponsor my social life..), i try to have some time of my own (if i don't have this, i actually do break down..)
I'll be happy when the autumn holiday's here. Only one more week ! One more week of pure torture, of being amazingly busy, of not sleeping much.. (yes, i do know myself by now... :p)
But anyway, i guess i'll go to bed now, there's not much more useful i can do right now (too much yawning & stuff..)
O.. it's fairly certain that i'll go to hannover for my internship. The internationalisation department sent me a mail saying that i can expect a phonecall from a german company. The school in hannover is looking for an internship for me & they might want to do an interview. So i'll have to talk on the phone in GERMAN.. talking german is one thing, calling in german is quite another (i sort of hate telephones you see..) An other thing that keeps my mind occupied....
Anyway, really time for bed now
Nighty night & hasta the next time!
Eh lately i've been doing sports on mondays & thursdays (quite an achievement coming from scratch), plus i drive my bike to the train station every morning. Go me!
School's hell. I have heaps to do & barely enough time to do it in. I keep telling ppl to chill, but i get nervous breakdowns myself (i actually took a duvet day last thursday.. sort of an important day too actually.. 6 hours of FUCKING french.. please.. don't make fun of me :( ... )
Tuesday my swedish classes will start too (see what i mean when i say busy?)
Well, and if THAT's not enough, i try to keep my social life going as well. Meaning i go out in the weekends, i still work in the bakery on sundays (in this category since i need money to sponsor my social life..), i try to have some time of my own (if i don't have this, i actually do break down..)
I'll be happy when the autumn holiday's here. Only one more week ! One more week of pure torture, of being amazingly busy, of not sleeping much.. (yes, i do know myself by now... :p)
But anyway, i guess i'll go to bed now, there's not much more useful i can do right now (too much yawning & stuff..)
O.. it's fairly certain that i'll go to hannover for my internship. The internationalisation department sent me a mail saying that i can expect a phonecall from a german company. The school in hannover is looking for an internship for me & they might want to do an interview. So i'll have to talk on the phone in GERMAN.. talking german is one thing, calling in german is quite another (i sort of hate telephones you see..) An other thing that keeps my mind occupied....
Anyway, really time for bed now
Nighty night & hasta the next time!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
berlin berlin
it s incredible how cheap food in berlin is.. you can have a complete meal for like only € 3,5..
unfortunately the bread is unedible. the first time i ate it i thought it was ok
the second time i thought it was horrible...
hmmm i forgot what else i wanted to say
and now it is time for me to go
i remembered
i HATE german keyboards
they SUCK
unfortunately the bread is unedible. the first time i ate it i thought it was ok
the second time i thought it was horrible...
hmmm i forgot what else i wanted to say
and now it is time for me to go
i remembered
i HATE german keyboards
they SUCK
Sunday, August 14, 2005
i know, i know, i've been totally neglecting my poor dear blog..
i promise that one day soon i'll post an update about what i did in amsterdam & lille & what happened to me apart from that
but right now all i wanted to say is that once more, i have a crush. (which is sort of an exception, i don't have crushes that easily)
and now, i'm wondering what to do with it / about it. i mean, i like him, i liked him the very first time i saw him (ok i admit, i'm a sucker for crush on first sight) and i actually still liked him the second time i saw him (that's usually the exception). i'm not sure if i have a chance though, for some reason i don't think i'm his type.. plus i'm chicken.. soo afraid of rejection..
so now i'm sort of at a loss... what to do, what to do.. (first one who says "talk to him, tell him how you feel", i knock out!)
i promise that one day soon i'll post an update about what i did in amsterdam & lille & what happened to me apart from that
but right now all i wanted to say is that once more, i have a crush. (which is sort of an exception, i don't have crushes that easily)
and now, i'm wondering what to do with it / about it. i mean, i like him, i liked him the very first time i saw him (ok i admit, i'm a sucker for crush on first sight) and i actually still liked him the second time i saw him (that's usually the exception). i'm not sure if i have a chance though, for some reason i don't think i'm his type.. plus i'm chicken.. soo afraid of rejection..
so now i'm sort of at a loss... what to do, what to do.. (first one who says "talk to him, tell him how you feel", i knock out!)
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
let me see..
graspop was v nice, just tons too hot (constantly over 30°, friday it was even 39°)
colored lenses aren't that nice since they're off center.. bummer..
going to amsterdam next weekend and to lille the weekend after that
hooray, hooray, it's a jolly holiday !
bloblo left for > a month.. who will i annoy at night now ?
nothing else to report (i think)
graspop was v nice, just tons too hot (constantly over 30°, friday it was even 39°)
colored lenses aren't that nice since they're off center.. bummer..
going to amsterdam next weekend and to lille the weekend after that
hooray, hooray, it's a jolly holiday !
bloblo left for > a month.. who will i annoy at night now ?
nothing else to report (i think)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
maybe i passed
maybe i didn't
i think i did better than the girl who had her exam before me
but i'm not sure
i'm not that good at french after all
and i couldn't really reply to the questions.. so now i wonder whether the important thing was that you could talk or that you knew what was in your course.
ah well
one more to go, access & excel
thank go we have that in the morning, i hope the room isn't too frigging hot
i melted my ass of in the train today, i was litterally dripping with sweat.. very ewie. i think i'll take a cold shower soon.. that's gonna feel sooo good!
(btw, it's about 35° outside.. in the shade.. imagine what it's like in a friggin train that's absolutely full of ppl..)
maybe i didn't
i think i did better than the girl who had her exam before me
but i'm not sure
i'm not that good at french after all
and i couldn't really reply to the questions.. so now i wonder whether the important thing was that you could talk or that you knew what was in your course.
ah well
one more to go, access & excel
thank go we have that in the morning, i hope the room isn't too frigging hot
i melted my ass of in the train today, i was litterally dripping with sweat.. very ewie. i think i'll take a cold shower soon.. that's gonna feel sooo good!
(btw, it's about 35° outside.. in the shade.. imagine what it's like in a friggin train that's absolutely full of ppl..)
Sunday, June 19, 2005
it's sunday & i still haven't really studied.. which means that i only have today & tomorrow to study All my french stuff (ok i did read a part yesterday, aint that great ?).
Can't i just like lay down & die ?
or fall asleep now & wake up tuesday afternoon ? i would do that if it didn't mean doing exams again in august/september.
sooo now i'm gonna start on my reading assignment (i got up at 8.30 to start on it.. it's 11 now & guess what i did? that's right! NOTHINGGGG)
Can't i just like lay down & die ?
or fall asleep now & wake up tuesday afternoon ? i would do that if it didn't mean doing exams again in august/september.
sooo now i'm gonna start on my reading assignment (i got up at 8.30 to start on it.. it's 11 now & guess what i did? that's right! NOTHINGGGG)
Friday, June 17, 2005
my legs hurt, iono why
exam this morning was ok, but not fantastic
don't wanna study french, i've kinda had it with exams, but if i don't pass now, i can do it all again & i certainly don't wanna do that..
life's a bitch
exam this morning was ok, but not fantastic
don't wanna study french, i've kinda had it with exams, but if i don't pass now, i can do it all again & i certainly don't wanna do that..
life's a bitch
Thursday, June 16, 2005
[15:48:08] Angelotje: hmmm
[15:48:16] Angelotje: je veux voyager beaucoup
[15:48:30] bloodysu: moi aussi :P
[15:48:31] Angelotje: parce qu'on n'apprend pas tellement beaucoup à l'école
[15:48:37] bloodysu: c'est vrai ca
[15:48:41] Angelotje: je veux vivre dans les autres pays
[15:48:50] bloodysu: mais, je ne veux pas voyager comme touriste
[15:48:57] Angelotje: et apprendre la langue par habiter là-bas
[15:48:57] bloodysu: je veux travailler dans des pays différents
[15:49:04] bloodysu: pour apprendre la culture là bas
[15:49:26] Angelotje: erm
[15:50:09] Angelotje: ok
[15:50:15] bloodysu: eheh..., mais je dois d'abord économiser un peu :)
[15:50:27] Angelotje: ah
[15:50:44] Angelotje: t'as vraiment dit exactement la meme chose en meme moment ? :S
that was just freaky...
i shaved ! go me !
[15:48:16] Angelotje: je veux voyager beaucoup
[15:48:30] bloodysu: moi aussi :P
[15:48:31] Angelotje: parce qu'on n'apprend pas tellement beaucoup à l'école
[15:48:37] bloodysu: c'est vrai ca
[15:48:41] Angelotje: je veux vivre dans les autres pays
[15:48:50] bloodysu: mais, je ne veux pas voyager comme touriste
[15:48:57] Angelotje: et apprendre la langue par habiter là-bas
[15:48:57] bloodysu: je veux travailler dans des pays différents
[15:49:04] bloodysu: pour apprendre la culture là bas
[15:49:26] Angelotje: erm
[15:50:09] Angelotje: ok
[15:50:15] bloodysu: eheh..., mais je dois d'abord économiser un peu :)
[15:50:27] Angelotje: ah
[15:50:44] Angelotje: t'as vraiment dit exactement la meme chose en meme moment ? :S
that was just freaky...
i shaved ! go me !
o my o my
good thing i have ppl who read this thing to tell me i should post every once in a while. it's only 6 DAYS AGO that i posted the last one ! not a WHOLE WEEK ! tssk
well, exam update.. english interpreting was loooong, it's pretty hard to keep focused on listening, translating & talking at the same time for 30 mins. But it was ok. looking forward to more interpreting classes next year <3
today i had my spanish exam.. well.. i guess i passed.. iono.. not sure though.. we'll see.. i don't care to be honest.. don't like spanish all that much..
tomorrow is french interpreting exam.. don't feel like it.. don't feel like studying.. very happy that it only starts at 10am (since my last name starts with B, i'm the first in the class.. hooray.. *sigh*).. well, gotta do this one real good, since i'll most likely fail the normal french one.. not all that good at french.. & don't like it.. so.. *shrug*
apart from all this boring school stuff..
let me see..
very addicted to the internet..
not doing nearly as much (study) work as i should..
looking forward to next tuesday very much..
bought a white skirt friday.. (sometimes i amaze myself..)
i should shave..
well, exam update.. english interpreting was loooong, it's pretty hard to keep focused on listening, translating & talking at the same time for 30 mins. But it was ok. looking forward to more interpreting classes next year <3
today i had my spanish exam.. well.. i guess i passed.. iono.. not sure though.. we'll see.. i don't care to be honest.. don't like spanish all that much..
tomorrow is french interpreting exam.. don't feel like it.. don't feel like studying.. very happy that it only starts at 10am (since my last name starts with B, i'm the first in the class.. hooray.. *sigh*).. well, gotta do this one real good, since i'll most likely fail the normal french one.. not all that good at french.. & don't like it.. so.. *shrug*
apart from all this boring school stuff..
let me see..
very addicted to the internet..
not doing nearly as much (study) work as i should..
looking forward to next tuesday very much..
bought a white skirt friday.. (sometimes i amaze myself..)
i should shave..
Friday, June 10, 2005
You gotta love English..
omg my exam was so cool, i totally hadn't studied enough & stuff, but since it was an oral exam, i was like "whateverrrrr, i'll talk my way out of it". & i did. hahaha
at a certain time he actually said "what you know from the course actually isn't sufficient, but since your english is so good, i couldn't live with myself if i failed you". hahahahahahahahahahahaha
English i <3 you !
at a certain time he actually said "what you know from the course actually isn't sufficient, but since your english is so good, i couldn't live with myself if i failed you". hahahahahahahahahahahaha
English i <3 you !
Thursday, June 09, 2005
seems like this getting up early thing is starting to get a habit..
feels like i'm getting old...
or maybe i just sleep too much
feels like i'm getting old...
or maybe i just sleep too much
iono how my exam went
iono how i'm feeling
iono what's wrong with me
iono why i sleep so much & still feel like a wreck
iono why i have this feeling of impending doom
i just.. don't.. know..
iono how i'm feeling
iono what's wrong with me
iono why i sleep so much & still feel like a wreck
iono why i have this feeling of impending doom
i just.. don't.. know..
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
My exam is in like 2,5 hours & i did nothing of revising or anything (it was the plan to do that...), so it might turn out to be rather disastrous. I'm hoping for my "language feeling" to be my salvation. I'll work around it.. (or try to at least :p ) & i'll revise my tenses on the train.. that'll have to do..
wish me luck *g*
wish me luck *g*
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I got up like an hour ago (very early for me !!) & i should start studying for tomorrow's exam. I DON'T WANNA !!! (what else is new..)
I found out what time my spanish exam is yesterday... it's at 8.30 AM... sooooo fucking early !!! & that means i won't even have time for coffee beforehand :(
i want coffee :'(
well.. exams barely started & already i feel like a wreck.. i hope i survive the coming 2 weeks..
I found out what time my spanish exam is yesterday... it's at 8.30 AM... sooooo fucking early !!! & that means i won't even have time for coffee beforehand :(
i want coffee :'(
well.. exams barely started & already i feel like a wreck.. i hope i survive the coming 2 weeks..
Monday, June 06, 2005
i SO thought i was gonna fail, but i think i made it through the first part !
now getting through the written exam on wednesday, & all will be good
& i'll have a loooong looooong holiday
& maybe even be able to go on holiday in september (cheaaaaap)
& maybe find a summer job
god the possibilities !
now getting through the written exam on wednesday, & all will be good
& i'll have a loooong looooong holiday
& maybe even be able to go on holiday in september (cheaaaaap)
& maybe find a summer job
god the possibilities !
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Well.. tomorrow morning at 8.30 i'll have my oral german exam... Even though everyone keeps telling me i won't fail... i'm so afraid that i will.. & wednesday i have the written version... God i'll be so happy when it's over.. i have so much stuff left to do that it's starting to drive me crazy. I'll be incredibly happy when it's june 22nd.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Thursday, June 02, 2005
een decolleté is als de zon
je mag ernaar kijken
maar je mag er niet naar staren
in other news i kinda have bit of a problem.. being that i have no idea at what time my spanish exam will be.. luckily it's only in the 2nd examweek.
je mag ernaar kijken
maar je mag er niet naar staren
in other news i kinda have bit of a problem.. being that i have no idea at what time my spanish exam will be.. luckily it's only in the 2nd examweek.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
well well
1) Project is over! now it's only stupid exams in the way of a happy holiday!
2) Graspop soon whiiiii
3) Well.. in the meanwhile i got asked to go on a date & i (of course) immediately said yes. Due to circomstances date was delayed to somewhere beginning of july..
One of the reasons i don't like planning things that far in advance (even when it's only a vague promise) is that i start thinking about it. & this made me feel not ok.. So i canceled. Like just now. & he was/is pissed. I mean.. I do wanna go out with him & have some fun & stuff (which i also told him).. But i really don't wanna go on a DATE. It sounds so... serieus... with expectations & stuff.. & i'm really not up for that..
OK i know, it's a nuance, but fuck it i'm very sensitive to that kind of shit.. i've been uncomfortable about it for like the past week & i REALLY don't want to go on a date. With anyone for all that matters.
I feel like my life is one big contradiction... FUCK THIS SHIT
2) Graspop soon whiiiii
3) Well.. in the meanwhile i got asked to go on a date & i (of course) immediately said yes. Due to circomstances date was delayed to somewhere beginning of july..
One of the reasons i don't like planning things that far in advance (even when it's only a vague promise) is that i start thinking about it. & this made me feel not ok.. So i canceled. Like just now. & he was/is pissed. I mean.. I do wanna go out with him & have some fun & stuff (which i also told him).. But i really don't wanna go on a DATE. It sounds so... serieus... with expectations & stuff.. & i'm really not up for that..
OK i know, it's a nuance, but fuck it i'm very sensitive to that kind of shit.. i've been uncomfortable about it for like the past week & i REALLY don't want to go on a date. With anyone for all that matters.
I feel like my life is one big contradiction... FUCK THIS SHIT
Sunday, May 22, 2005
i have been notified of the fact that it's high time for me to post sth new
atm i don't have anything cheerful to say, so...
project is still going on, we have shitloads to do
i'm even not going to work tomorrow to be able to finish it all
monday will be superb.. i'll have 4 tests on 1 day.. just Great. Luckily we only have to study for one (german language lab.. *shudder* wish me luck)
then apart from that.. well, everyone's a bit tense, both students & teachers. We students for the obvious reasons of end of project & exams, teachers because lots of them will get fired soon. School's a fun place to be, absolutely..
i'll be happy when this friggin schoolyear is over
atm i don't have anything cheerful to say, so...
project is still going on, we have shitloads to do
i'm even not going to work tomorrow to be able to finish it all
monday will be superb.. i'll have 4 tests on 1 day.. just Great. Luckily we only have to study for one (german language lab.. *shudder* wish me luck)
then apart from that.. well, everyone's a bit tense, both students & teachers. We students for the obvious reasons of end of project & exams, teachers because lots of them will get fired soon. School's a fun place to be, absolutely..
i'll be happy when this friggin schoolyear is over
Saturday, May 07, 2005
I have a cooold & i don't liiike iiiit no no no
i'm blowing my nose all the time & my throat hurts
plus there's sth weird going on in my ears
hm hm hm
the sneezing part is kinda fun, but not really cause of all the snot :(
& i have sooo much to do & i don't feel like starting on it..
gotta study voc 2000 (stupid french) & gotta finish some project stuff
wish me luck
i'm blowing my nose all the time & my throat hurts
plus there's sth weird going on in my ears
hm hm hm
the sneezing part is kinda fun, but not really cause of all the snot :(
& i have sooo much to do & i don't feel like starting on it..
gotta study voc 2000 (stupid french) & gotta finish some project stuff
wish me luck
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
i said it before & i guess i'll keep saying it till the day that i die: i need a bf.. being lonely just sucks bigtime
& then i have to wonder
is it me ?
am i just too picky ?
howcome i don't fall in love ?
why can't i find someone to love me ?
i'm not such a terrible person, am i ?
& then i have to wonder
is it me ?
am i just too picky ?
howcome i don't fall in love ?
why can't i find someone to love me ?
i'm not such a terrible person, am i ?
What's Your Stress Style?
You're a Soother. When trouble strikes, you somehow seem to avoid being hit. Those around you may encounter crises, of course — which is when you launch into action. You're best at helping others ease their stress, offering a kind word or a well-timed "everything's going to be okay." You're a walking affirmation!
Of course, wearing a smile all the time can be exhausting. We're all only human, and stress happens to the best of us — including you. When you find yourself under stress, you may have to fight the tendency to shut off the phone, crawl under the blankets, and hide from the world. But it's worth it to show your true feelings, even when they're less than upbeat. Let the people you've nurtured in the past help you out in your time of need. You deserve the attention. And tomorrow is another day! So take it easy.
Tickle Stress Test
You're a Soother. When trouble strikes, you somehow seem to avoid being hit. Those around you may encounter crises, of course — which is when you launch into action. You're best at helping others ease their stress, offering a kind word or a well-timed "everything's going to be okay." You're a walking affirmation!
Of course, wearing a smile all the time can be exhausting. We're all only human, and stress happens to the best of us — including you. When you find yourself under stress, you may have to fight the tendency to shut off the phone, crawl under the blankets, and hide from the world. But it's worth it to show your true feelings, even when they're less than upbeat. Let the people you've nurtured in the past help you out in your time of need. You deserve the attention. And tomorrow is another day! So take it easy.
Tickle Stress Test
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
You Are 22 Years Old |
22 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. |
well, apparently i act my age.. :)
Monday, April 25, 2005
De Lijn...
Wij adviseren de reizigers dan ook om telkens 7 minuten op voorhand aan de halte te zijn.
"We advise travelers to be at the busstop 7 minutes in advance"
god you gotta hate busses.. nothing worse than a bus that's early..
"We advise travelers to be at the busstop 7 minutes in advance"
god you gotta hate busses.. nothing worse than a bus that's early..
Sunday, April 24, 2005
i should go to the dentist
i've been having a tooth ache for half a week or sth now & this night i even had to take a painkiller in order to sleep
i hate dentists
i've been having a tooth ache for half a week or sth now & this night i even had to take a painkiller in order to sleep
i hate dentists
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Your Inner European is Dutch! |
![]() Open minded and tolerant. You're up for just about anything. |
ah well.. at least it's pretty close :s
not sure if i'm happy about being called dutch though
What kind of American English do i speak ?
Your Linguistic Profile: |
40% Yankee |
30% General American English |
25% Dixie |
5% Upper Midwestern |
0% Midwestern |
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Sunday, April 17, 2005
from watching The Ring last night.. GAH
& now i can't get back to sleep :'(
gonna go to bed again soon though
& now i can't get back to sleep :'(
gonna go to bed again soon though
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Actually i don't have much to say
i bought new shoes
visited my grandma in the hospital
gonna go to a friend to watch "the ring" later on.
i feel sad today
don't know why
i bought new shoes
visited my grandma in the hospital
gonna go to a friend to watch "the ring" later on.
i feel sad today
don't know why
Friday, April 15, 2005
I feel betrayed.. a bit anyway
Well, apparently i got "tested" again.. Some internet relation decided to "test" if i was trustworthy, & apparantly i failed. Part of the test included ignoring one of his friends for like more than a day, then making fun of him (to me, then). Thing is, i like that guy (the friend..), so i thought he should know.
I hate it when ppl "test" me.
Totally messed up my day
Well, this just helps to prove that i really gotta get a life outside of the internet.
And stop getting so attached to internet ppl
I hate it when ppl "test" me.
Totally messed up my day
Well, this just helps to prove that i really gotta get a life outside of the internet.
And stop getting so attached to internet ppl
Monday, April 11, 2005
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Back from London
I tried to post this shit yesterday, but the stupid site just flipped on me
fortunately i was smart enough to copy the thing to wordpad
so here's the post i would have posted yesterday !
yes, you read correctly, i just got back from London.
It was Great. Really had a lot of fun. Since it's 2 am atm i'm not gonna say a lot, i'm just gonna give a list of what we did on what day (so that i don't forget myself.. :p )
Left by Eurostar Early Early in the morning (ok, at 9 or sth..)
Arrived in London around noon Went to eat McDonalds (what else..)
Checked into the youth hostel (St Christopher's - The Village)
Went shopping at Knightsbridge (Harrods was amazing.. loved the shoes.. too expensive though :s )
Went back to the hostel, tried to get food, but the kitchen was closed
Went a bit further in the street & had chinese (yummieee)
Spent the night in the hostel bar & met some great ppl -> Jeremy (*rrrr* Australia); Paul (hihi Australia); Luke (weird.. Nottingham); ??? (nice guy US); ??? (funny girl NZ) [forgot some names.. ah well..]
Spent like 3 hours in the chill out room since the bar closed at 2...
Went to bed around 5
Finally got up around 12
Had breakfast in some sandwich thingy near the hostel
Visited Tate Modern Gallery (MAGRITTE ! didn't expect to find paintings of him there)
Had pizza in some inn Visited London Dungeon (SO the coolest thing i did in london..)
Went back to the hostel bar; met Dinesh; had dinner together (god he was hyperactive.. don't know many ppl who talk that much.. sweet & attractive guy from California)
PARTIEEED HARD at N*A*S*I*N (Not Another Shit Indie Night), some weird combination of punk, rock, ska, metal, hxc (whatever it is..), emo & classics. Well, partied hard.. parties in London last from 11 pm till 2 am.. Loved it though, next time i'm in London on a wednesday, i know where to go! :D
Got back to the hostel by bus & went to bed around 3.30
Had to get up earlyish to pack & check out of the hostel (around 9.15 am.. so early.. we checked out at 10.15, only 15 mins late..)
Left our luggage at the hostel while visiting the Textile & Fashion museum (Zanda Rhodes Museum..). Surprisingly nice!
Picked up our luggage & visited Hyde Park. Got cought by a sudden rain shower. Had lunch on a bench near the lake.
Unfortunately no one was at Speaker's Corner. Ugly park, lots of lawn, little trees... me no like...
Wanted to visit Picadilli Circus but accidentally ended up in St James Park. Much more beautiful than Hyde Park. Saw a squirrel. Got cought by another shower.
Tired.. Went to Waterloo trainstation to get sth to eat (McDonalds..) & took the Eurostar back home.
Wanna go back now
fortunately i was smart enough to copy the thing to wordpad
so here's the post i would have posted yesterday !
yes, you read correctly, i just got back from London.
It was Great. Really had a lot of fun. Since it's 2 am atm i'm not gonna say a lot, i'm just gonna give a list of what we did on what day (so that i don't forget myself.. :p )
Left by Eurostar Early Early in the morning (ok, at 9 or sth..)
Arrived in London around noon Went to eat McDonalds (what else..)
Checked into the youth hostel (St Christopher's - The Village)
Went shopping at Knightsbridge (Harrods was amazing.. loved the shoes.. too expensive though :s )
Went back to the hostel, tried to get food, but the kitchen was closed
Went a bit further in the street & had chinese (yummieee)
Spent the night in the hostel bar & met some great ppl -> Jeremy (*rrrr* Australia); Paul (hihi Australia); Luke (weird.. Nottingham); ??? (nice guy US); ??? (funny girl NZ) [forgot some names.. ah well..]
Spent like 3 hours in the chill out room since the bar closed at 2...
Went to bed around 5
Finally got up around 12
Had breakfast in some sandwich thingy near the hostel
Visited Tate Modern Gallery (MAGRITTE ! didn't expect to find paintings of him there)
Had pizza in some inn Visited London Dungeon (SO the coolest thing i did in london..)
Went back to the hostel bar; met Dinesh; had dinner together (god he was hyperactive.. don't know many ppl who talk that much.. sweet & attractive guy from California)
PARTIEEED HARD at N*A*S*I*N (Not Another Shit Indie Night), some weird combination of punk, rock, ska, metal, hxc (whatever it is..), emo & classics. Well, partied hard.. parties in London last from 11 pm till 2 am.. Loved it though, next time i'm in London on a wednesday, i know where to go! :D
Got back to the hostel by bus & went to bed around 3.30
Had to get up earlyish to pack & check out of the hostel (around 9.15 am.. so early.. we checked out at 10.15, only 15 mins late..)
Left our luggage at the hostel while visiting the Textile & Fashion museum (Zanda Rhodes Museum..). Surprisingly nice!
Picked up our luggage & visited Hyde Park. Got cought by a sudden rain shower. Had lunch on a bench near the lake.
Unfortunately no one was at Speaker's Corner. Ugly park, lots of lawn, little trees... me no like...
Wanted to visit Picadilli Circus but accidentally ended up in St James Park. Much more beautiful than Hyde Park. Saw a squirrel. Got cought by another shower.
Tired.. Went to Waterloo trainstation to get sth to eat (McDonalds..) & took the Eurostar back home.
Wanna go back now
Friday, March 25, 2005
yeah yeah
just wasted a perfectly good hour of my life doing nothing, learning nothing, being at school.
coffee soon.
soon !!!
(i so am not made to be up this early..)
oh & i'm not very healthy lately.. i'm eating vicks throat candies all the time.. hip hip hooray !
but i'm going to london 5th to 7th april whiii !!!
coffee soon.
soon !!!
(i so am not made to be up this early..)
oh & i'm not very healthy lately.. i'm eating vicks throat candies all the time.. hip hip hooray !
but i'm going to london 5th to 7th april whiii !!!
Saturday, March 19, 2005
i know what i'm gonna do tonight !
i'm gonna play heroessssssss yesss yessssss i ammmm
so fucking tired after a hard day at work.. & from too little sleep after party.. :)
heroes ! :D
i'm gonna play heroessssssss yesss yessssss i ammmm
so fucking tired after a hard day at work.. & from too little sleep after party.. :)
heroes ! :D
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Sunday, March 13, 2005
paaaarty peopleeeee
yes yes i just got home from partyinggg
it was fun, first some concerts in "den drempel" in Antwerp
then some Aalmoesje
my cousin played in one of the groups doing the concert. His band was definitely best. If pics come online, i'll try to put a link in here... damn those ppl are crazy.. hihi
and now for some we..... sleep :p
it was fun, first some concerts in "den drempel" in Antwerp
then some Aalmoesje
my cousin played in one of the groups doing the concert. His band was definitely best. If pics come online, i'll try to put a link in here... damn those ppl are crazy.. hihi
and now for some we..... sleep :p
Saturday, March 12, 2005
The essay thingy about Berlin appeared to be not at all that hard to write. Hadn't expected 200 words to be only like half a page..
I'm not the only one in my class who's getting sick & tired of the others. Steven has the same feeling of "OK, enough!". So we hang out a lot :)
I'm starting to really like interpreting course. It's fun. I got evaluated on English interpreting yesterday & the teacher gave me 5/5. She only heard my last version, but still.. 5/5 is Good! French interpreting isn't that much fun, but it's ok.. At least it's better than the other shit we do.
It sucks that the only interesting courses are on Friday. WHY ? It's a conspiracy to make sure i don't go out Thursday evenings! I'm sure of it!
Hmmm what else do I have to say? OH YES ! I'm going to London with Annelies for a few days in the Easter holidays. It'll feel sooo good to be really Away from home for a while. Yes yes, it'll be good!
If I have sth else to say.. I'll be back!
I'm not the only one in my class who's getting sick & tired of the others. Steven has the same feeling of "OK, enough!". So we hang out a lot :)
I'm starting to really like interpreting course. It's fun. I got evaluated on English interpreting yesterday & the teacher gave me 5/5. She only heard my last version, but still.. 5/5 is Good! French interpreting isn't that much fun, but it's ok.. At least it's better than the other shit we do.
It sucks that the only interesting courses are on Friday. WHY ? It's a conspiracy to make sure i don't go out Thursday evenings! I'm sure of it!
Hmmm what else do I have to say? OH YES ! I'm going to London with Annelies for a few days in the Easter holidays. It'll feel sooo good to be really Away from home for a while. Yes yes, it'll be good!
If I have sth else to say.. I'll be back!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
So bored
I, Aardbij, am glad to announce.. my return !
And this only ONE DAY after my last post !
Not much has happened today
Got up
Got dressed & stuff
Computer (talked to Gennie again ! Had been too long !)
And here I am
Being pretty bored
While I have so much stuff to do
Really should start writing my German essay about Berlin
And this only ONE DAY after my last post !
Not much has happened today
Got up
Got dressed & stuff
Computer (talked to Gennie again ! Had been too long !)
And here I am
Being pretty bored
While I have so much stuff to do
Really should start writing my German essay about Berlin
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Here I am again
In the meanwhile my exams (thank god) ended. Already had my grades & i PASSED THEM ALL ! go me ! (it was rather unexpected..)
Berlin was pretty nice. didn't sleep much in the week we were there. I think it helped to make more of a group of our class.. too bad i don't like groups, so i feel pretty much left out. (especially since i'm sick & tired of the bitches & assholes in my class.. urgh..)
Then holidays !
aaaaah heavenly holidays !
they were so good that i don't remember what i did..
i know that i slept a lot..
went to holland for weed..
that's about it i guess :p
And now school started again..
with a whole bunch of new subjects..
and i don't like over half of the stuff we do at school now.
taking turns in taking days off.. one week thursday, week after that tuesday, week after that wednesday.. (i'll be home tomorrow)
it's incredible how boring they're able to make this course. There's so much interesting shit to learn, but - unfortunately - they haven't figured out that THIS IS NOT IT! (especially refering to classes in MS project (2 hours in a row), MS excel & access (3 hours in a row), english (2 hours in a row & FUCKING boring).. well most stuff is pretty boring)
and now i'm thinking "why oh why did i choose to study IBC?! How could i be so stupid?!"
but well..
i'll make it
and next year i'll go study abroad for 4 weeks and do my internship (8 weeks) there too.
Berlin was pretty nice. didn't sleep much in the week we were there. I think it helped to make more of a group of our class.. too bad i don't like groups, so i feel pretty much left out. (especially since i'm sick & tired of the bitches & assholes in my class.. urgh..)
Then holidays !
aaaaah heavenly holidays !
they were so good that i don't remember what i did..
i know that i slept a lot..
went to holland for weed..
that's about it i guess :p
And now school started again..
with a whole bunch of new subjects..
and i don't like over half of the stuff we do at school now.
taking turns in taking days off.. one week thursday, week after that tuesday, week after that wednesday.. (i'll be home tomorrow)
it's incredible how boring they're able to make this course. There's so much interesting shit to learn, but - unfortunately - they haven't figured out that THIS IS NOT IT! (especially refering to classes in MS project (2 hours in a row), MS excel & access (3 hours in a row), english (2 hours in a row & FUCKING boring).. well most stuff is pretty boring)
and now i'm thinking "why oh why did i choose to study IBC?! How could i be so stupid?!"
but well..
i'll make it
and next year i'll go study abroad for 4 weeks and do my internship (8 weeks) there too.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
it's been a long time since i last posted, but ah well
merry xmas & happy newyear everyone
xmas was the same old boring family party shit (2 family parties.. hell)
newyear's eve was cool. went out with my bro to happy³, some party in Antwerp. Really glad we went, had fun. Nicest newyear's eve ever actually. (no throwing up, not too drunk, nobody to carry home, just plain fun)
exams started friday. shitty. i'm coming kinda close to a complete burn-out i think. can't remember having been in a real good mood for ages. i'll be glad when it's over.
not looking to much forward to berlin either. i'd rather sleep a week. but ah well. it'll be ok when we get there i guess.
& when we get back home
hasta the next post
merry xmas & happy newyear everyone
xmas was the same old boring family party shit (2 family parties.. hell)
newyear's eve was cool. went out with my bro to happy³, some party in Antwerp. Really glad we went, had fun. Nicest newyear's eve ever actually. (no throwing up, not too drunk, nobody to carry home, just plain fun)
exams started friday. shitty. i'm coming kinda close to a complete burn-out i think. can't remember having been in a real good mood for ages. i'll be glad when it's over.
not looking to much forward to berlin either. i'd rather sleep a week. but ah well. it'll be ok when we get there i guess.
& when we get back home
hasta the next post
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