Thursday, January 18, 2007

TetriNET addiction

Yes, you understand correctly. Exams are here & I'm fully addicted to TNet again. And worse of all is that I'm actually starting to get really good at it, so well, little incentive to stop and actually do something useful (like studying). I feel so guilty for not having done anything.. But at the same time I really don't want to do anything either. I'm just so sick of it already.. And that's really a bad thing, cause my parents are really investing in this and I really do want to get the extra degree.. But.. I just can't set myself to it, you know? I'm fine once I got started. I'll stay focused for at least like.. half an hour.. and then my mind wanders again. Or I start yawning so badly I get tears in my eyes and can't read on. Or I "happen to look" at my msn and someone said something. Or.. too many or's..

I think I'm really winter-tired again. I need some light to make me awake again! I think man was originally designed to hibernate or something, and that lingers in our system somehow. I'll try tanning beds again next week. That's what I did last year, and it really helped. Mind, this has nothing to do with wanting a tan, it's just that I need the light & heat. Not that I've been cold this winter, it's just so damn dark all the time.

Starting next week, I'll do much & many sports too. I'm too physically inactive to be able to mentally concentrate for long.

And now I really have to go to bed..

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