Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tomorrow, tomorrow

Tomorrow I have another exam, but it's not really registering in my brain. I feel like I still got loaaads of time. Not that it matters much, it's in the afternoon & it's English grammar, so I guess I'll be fine anyway. Not going to do a big deal of studying for it. But Friday.. AARGH how I fear Friday! Two German exams on one morning. It's gonna hurt like hell. I'll most likely get a ticket for the reruns in August/September. Man, am I looking forward to that.. BUT after tomorrow's exam, I'll be over half! Finally! It feels like I've been having exams or been preparing for them for like forever. FOR-EVER!

I'm sick of it, sick of it, sick of it!!!

On the good side, in a week and two days I'll be rid of exams till end of May. Which is almost 4 months, great.. *sighs*

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